Amanda Case Millis

My oil paintings are visual stories about my personal relationship to place. Painting is how I process the world and expand my understanding of myself and surroundings. Light is frequently at the center of my exploration. Alla prima painting and plein air work are integral to my practice, as they keep me alert and awake. The work is often small scale, holding the intimacy of my experience of looking and responding. I feel most alive when I work in collaboration with the elements or as I experience and express the feeling of an environment. There are certain times when the impulse to translate is high:

When I feel the quiet and then the buzz of electricity as a storm rolls in.
When the light is alive as day slips into night.
When the fog hangs heavy in the air, obscuring and revealing the landscape in new ways.
When the light slants in a room just so.
When an uprooted tree breaks out of the earth, more animated than those standing politely in its company.
When the sun dances wildly though the woods.
When I stumble upon mysterious visual moments that demand painting.

I will often paint and collage a motif through several iterations, over subsequent days, months or even years, to deepen my understanding of the subject. Some recurring motifs include interiors, windows, roots and trees and the sea. As I work, whether it is from life or memory and photographs, I integrate my physical observations with my interior feelings – translating the seen and felt into a language of shape and color.

Amanda Case Millis is a Boston-based painter who is deeply inspired by place. She received her MFA from Massachusetts College of Art and Design and a BA from Smith College. Her work has been recognized in exhibitions throughout the US and Australia and Europe, including a solo show in Germany in 2023.

Amanda lived in Sydney, Australia from 2012-17. There she taught at ArtEst Art School and was a finalist in major national prizes.

Amanda has been awarded painting residencies at PLAYA, the Hambidge Center for the Creative Arts and Sciences, Monson Arts, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, the Eastern Frontier Educational Foundation, Mount Gretna School of Art, Monhegan Artists Residency, Kloster Bentlage (Germany), the Jentel Foundation, and Arte Ventura (Spain). She was recently elected as a St. Botolph Club Fellow and is the recipient of the 2024 Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant in painting.